NUS Graduate School

Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations

FAQs on Thesis Submission Procedures

Thesis Submission Procedures

1. When will I be able to submit my thesis electronically?

You will be able to submit your thesis electronically when NUS Graduate School has given you access to the system to do so. You will be given one week to upload your thesis. Your access to the system will be activated upon receipt of the following forms from you:

(a) Form NUSGS.008/21 - Electronic Thesis/Dissertation Submission form endorsed accordingly and with the necessary copyright clearances (if applicable)

(b) Form NUSGS.013/21 - Supervisor's Report on Amended Graduate (by Research) Thesis; or Form NUSGS.009/21 - Report on Amended PhD Thesis (after Oral Examination)


2. How long will it take, after I have successfully uploaded my thesis, to be conferred?

Once the online thesis submission has been successfully uploaded onto the system, the candidate will be recommended for conferment. It takes about one to two months after the online thesis has been submitted, for one to be conferred the degree.


3. I cannot remember my NUSNET Password for access to the ETD site. Where can I reset the password?

Please refer to here for the instruction.


4. I have difficulty uploading my thesis. Please help.

Uploading problems encountered may be due to one or more of the following factors:

    1. Files to be uploaded are larger than 30 MB
    2. File names consists of symbols that are not readable like ":,/,\,!" etc.
    3. Files are not converted to PDF or not properly converted



1. I have cited (but given due acknowledgement) some materials in my thesis. Would I still need to obtain permission/approval/consent for the use of such materials?

It is assumed that most work is protected by copyright. However, as a general rule, the use of small portions of somebody else's work, in a non-competitive way, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship or research, is not an infringement of copyright.

Some important factors to consider on the copyright issue are:

    - Purpose & character of the use (whether it is used for commercial benefit or not)
    - Nature of copyrighted material
    - Amount & substantiality of the portion used in relation to copyrighted work
    - Effect of use on the potential market for the copyrighted work


2. Is an email from copyright owners sufficient/legal? Must permission be in hardcopy with a signature?

Emails can be used as supporting documents in courts; hence, such approvals would be sufficient.